© 2002-2017 John Mayer. All rights reserved.
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In this Section:
Where Are We?
....and our travel plans
Latest is on top.....
- For the winter of 2016/2017 we are on our RV lot in Mission TX.
We will head North in April, through KS to CO.
- HDT Rally in Hutchinson, KS until mid October, then Junction City
to New
Horizons. After that: Lynchburg VA; Summerdale, AL; Tampa RV Show;
back to Summerdale; Mission, TX; Congress, AZ; then back to CO for the
summer of 2016.
- Escapees Rainbow Plantation in Summerdale, AL until January
2015. Month of January in FL at the Tampa show and cruising around.
Then back to the Plantation until mid March 2015.
- Woodland Park, CO from May 2014 - end of September 2014. Stop
and see us if in the area!
- Winter 2013/2014 travel map is
here. We will be at the Tampa RV Show in January.
- October 18, 2013: in Junction City, KS at New Horizons for some
service and business.
- Woodland Park for the 2013 summer. Leave here for the 2013 HDT
Rally in Hutchinson, KS October 4.
- Currently in Junction City, KS. Leaving the week of 11/4/2012.
- Winter 2012/2013 travel map and major stops are on a Google map,
HERE. We will
be at the Tampa, FL RV show in January.
- Woodland Park, CO for the summer of 2012.
- Woodland Park, CO for the (2011) summer. We leave here first
week of October, headed to Junction City KS for RV service at New
Horizons. From there, we go to the HDT Rally. By the end of October
we head to Marble Falls, TX to visit friends for a month. Soon after
Thanksgiving we will head to Mission to our RV lot until after
Christmas. Then to Summerdale, AL for the rest of the winter with a
stop in Tampa for the RV show in Jan. By March 1 we will head to VA
on our way back to CO.
- Currently in Mission, TX until April 1, 2011.
- From the HDT Rally in October we moved to New Horizons RV in
Junction City, KS for a couple of weeks to have some work done on
the new RV. We expect to leave here by the end of October. From
Junction City we head to Lynchburg, VA until just before
Thanksgiving. Then we will go to the Summerdale, AL Escapees park
until near Christmas.
- Woodland Park, CO at Diamond Campground, working for the summer.
Near Colorado Springs at 8500'. We will leave here in early October
for the HDT Rally in Hutchinson, KS.
- Mission, TX on our RV lot. Look in
RV Lots to see our South Texas RV
lots. We leave here 15 April to swing by the New Horizons factory on
our way to Woodland Park, CO for the summer.
- Currently in Summerdale, AL at the Escapees
Rainbow Plantation. Leaving 14 December for our place in Mission (Retama
is from the Montreal, Quebec area where she lived all her life until
Jack "uprooted" her and took her to PA, where we spent our "house-bound"
years. And yes, she speaks French - it is her first language. She
learned to speak English as a child, and has refined it over the years.
She still has an accent, but it is not French, it is southeastern
Jack was born in Texas, but raised in Pennsylvania. That is where we
lived before full timing. Jack worked for a major computer manufacturer
his entire career, and Danielle worked for a national transportation
company, in various areas (including safety, and loss prevention). Her
career was what first pointed us towards "big" trucks as RV haulers.
When we were housebound we spent our free time with our horses (we
have both ridden almost all our lives), windsurfing, and taking care of
our pets. And of course, slaving over the Great American Dream - a
house. Boy, were we ever slow to catch on to the fact that our houses
were running (or is that ruining) our lives. But once we did, it did not
take us long to "escape". In October of 2009 we celebrated our 35th
wedding anniversary....where did the time go?
We started full timing as soon as we thought it was financially
possible for us. We wish we would have started sooner - we love the
lifestyle. We don't anticipate stopping until our health requires us to
- which will be many years in the future, we hope.
We workamp in the summer. We typically decide on an area we would
like to see in depth. We then find a job in that area - this gives us a
"free" base to see the area from, and we enjoy the work. We
have generally worked in commercial campgrounds, and have enjoyed the
experience. We don't do it for the money, but it does minimize expenses.
Our hobbies revolve around outdoor activities. We are avid
windsurfers in the spring and fall; we hike, bike ride and rollerblade
wherever we are.
had not planned to have any pets while full timing. It definitely
restricts what you can do. But, in Sept. 2004 we "acquired" a 3 year old
(we think) Australian Shepherd mix. She is about the best dog you could
hope for as a full timer. Quiet, not too energetic (unlike most
Australian Shepherds), and very willing to please. Like all our former
pets she will be with us until she dies, so it is a big commitment. She
only weighs 45 pounds, so it is easy to "boost" her into the truck.
Actually, we are surprised we "lasted" as long as we did without a dog (over 6
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without attributing credits. You must place a link or a reference to the
home page of this site with any republished information. Unless
otherwise noted, photos on this site are owned by us and photo credits
must be attributed to us.
Contact Us
can email us directly. We would love to hear from you, and are willing
to help answer any questions you have on information in this site.
